Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Brandon Sanderson - Warbreaker

            I guess I totally nerded out on this book.  I disregarded all my other responsibilities and read the whole story in about three days.  There was a pile of empty Dr. Pepper cans and Little Debbie wrappers around my computer.  It probably looked like the aftermath of a marathon World of Warcraft raid or something.  (Please don’t tell my boys about this.)
            The book flowed easily because the writing was straight forward and I could just keep scrolling down to the next plot twist.  I enjoyed who the younger sister, with less formalities and manners, wound up being better suited for the Godking job then her overly prepared sister.  It is an interesting thought that someone can prepare their whole life and still wind up helpless.  I forget the proper sister’s name, but I love it when she constantly second guesses herself and her motives.  She sneaks into town with the strictest morals and quickly finds out the harshness of poverty-stricken reality wipes out the certainties of her religious ideals.  Her internal debates are fascinating.  There is even a split second, when she is really down in the gutter, where she envies the prostitutes.  When she originally enters the town, she is far superior, casting judgments on the most moral and modest townsfolk.  She is not in town very long before life deals her a few bad hands and she is forced to reevaluate her stance on some of her beliefs. 
            I also fell in love the character, Lightsong.  He is the god that is most focused on but he also has the best attitude of all the gods.  Most gods are in such extravagant luxury that they never think to question it.  They are blinded by their plush lifestyle.  Lightsong is a relatively young and rebellious god.   He can’t make himself content just because he has a team of people to a appease his every whim.  It is not because he wants more.  He seems to question the order of things and seeks out flaws or irrationalities in the whole religious system.  These qualities are ideal in a leader.  I think many leaders often start off with that mindset, but a few years in their plush throne, numbs that instinct.  Lightsong’s entire conciousness has been luxurious yet he has some subconscious instincts that irk him.
            There was enough interesting moral dilemmas that the characters had to face to keep me captivated through the whole 800+ pages of this brute.  There were some extreme conspiracies going on.  Hopefully, our governments won’t have to be completely under-minded to get people to consider others’ points of view.

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